Ways to get pregnant

Trying for a conceive naturally:

Natural conception depends on a series of events such as a Healthy Uterus, Normal Ovulation Cycle, Essential Hormones, a Mature Egg, and a Healthy Sperm. It is the pituitary gland that stimulates the ovaries to release an egg, into the Fallopian tubes. For conception to occur the egg has to meet the sperm and implant itself into the Uterine Cavity through Unprotected Intercourse.

Knowing your ovulation cycle:

Pregnancy can occur only during very limited period of six days during your ovulation cycle. This period is called the ‘fertile window’ which is the optimum time for a woman to conceive. Better understanding of her menstrual cycle can help a woman to conceive easily.

Ovulation occurs around day 14 of the menstrual cycle, but you should know not all women have a 28 day cycle. Generally a woman’s menstrual cycle varies between 25-32 days thus ovulation can be somewhere around the 16th day. The exact time will vary from one woman to another every month. Thus a woman has to look for ovulation cues such as elevated basal body temperature and mucus secretion, to know her fertile period. Easiest way is to visit a doctor and chart out the days.

Visiting a doctor for Preconception counselling

If you are planning to have a baby the first thing to do is to visit a doctor for preconception screening and counselling. This should be done 3-6 months before you try seriously to conceive. The doctor will brief you on your ovulation days, assess the risk involved, get you vaccinated against certain ailment and also prescribe few supplements for your general good health. She might also recommend you to meet a nutritionist.

Making healthy lifestyle changes

It is very important to make healthy lifestyle changes as you are trying to conceive. Eating healthy food, putting an end to consumption of alcohol and smoking and starting a physical fitness program can truly help.
